2020 Year in Review
January Right at the end of 2019 my kids fell ill with croup which was a first for us. Mr. 2 felt terrible, and it was scary to hear that cough, but they all pulled through. We ushered in 2020 with a few sniffles. I had three goals for this year. 1: Spend less time on…
Christmas School Plans
I’ve been thinking about Christmas since July, and what our school plans will look like this year. It was tempting to cram everything I possibly could into one month. I wanted to plan all the things, but I think we’ll end up with a good balance of celebrating the truth and beauty this season holds without…
Storm in the Night Unit Study Guide with Five in a Row
The kids and I read Storm in the Night by Mary Stolz and used Five in A Row study guide to learn more about cloud formation, safety, relationships, descriptive language, and the five senses. (The Bible, Composer, Picture Study, and Teatime were not part of FIAR). Day 1 Bible: Philippians 4:6-7 Picture Study: The Storm…
Plan with me! A Step by step process with an entire month of Homeschool Lesson plans
I originally thought we would start back up with A Gentle Feast the first week of August, but we’re going to hold off another month.I knew we couldn’t take any more time for a summer break, so I put together a Charlotte Mason “curriculum” for the next four weeks using the resources I already had…
A Full Week Of Homeschool Lesson Planning And Our Daily Rhythm.
I recently shared on Instagram how I plan out an entire week of A Gentle Feast lessons at a time using my Anna Vance Paper Co. Homeschool Planner to help me stay organized. I also talked about moving a few subjects around to make sure we’re able to fit them all in. I thought it…
Botch Family Homeschool Curriculum Reveal for 2020/2021
I’m sharing the curriculum that each of my kids ages 5, 6, and 8 will be using this coming school year. If you just want a list of curriculum with links, I have that for you at the very bottom of the post! Ready? Let’s get to it! Preschool (age 4/5) Letter Fun: Delightful Reading,…