five in a row circus themed teatime mirette on the highwire

Mirette on the High Wire with Five in a Row

This week was about celebrating our special talents and looking into new interests that we want to pursue. We read Mirette on the High Wire using Five in a Row unit guide, and celebrated our uniqueness with a fun circus themed teatime at the end of the week.

Mirette on the High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully is about a young protegee of the famous Bellini who ends up encouraging her teacher. (from FIAR)

Day one:

After reading Mirette on the High Wire, I opened up a conversation about our own special talents and we took some time to appreciate all that we can do.

I want my kids to feel encouraged to pursue the things that mean a great deal to them and just like Mirette, they have to practice! I asked them to really think about something they would like to get better at. My four year old said she would like to get better at eating candy. HA!

When it comes to my kids’ personal interests, I try to keep my eyes open. We love a good interest led rabbit hole, whether it’s sports or book related, we run with it.

I also introduced new vocabulary today. I like to point out interesting words when we read a new book together and then write them down so I can remember to use them during conversation throughout the week. This way my kids pick it up naturally. I know it REALLY sticks when I hear them using new words with each other during play. Just this very minute I overheard my oldest use the word “feats” while talking to his sister.

Day 2
We read Mirette on the High Wire again.
My 7 yr old did a quick review of the continents and oceans before I helped everyone locate the places that Bellini traveled.

Day 3
Read Bearymore by Don Freeman, a great companion book about a bear who has to come up with a unique act for the circus or he must leave.
We also looked at vintage circus art posters and made our own! I asked the kids if they wanted to perform for their dad at the end the week, and they immediately began planning their acts.

Day 4
I wrote down their narrations of  Mirette on the High Wire and they illustrated a picture from the story.

We talked about performing artists, in particular tightrope walkers. The Character Bellini was based on the real life tightrope walker named Charles Blondin . We watched a few documentaries about him and a other daring tightrope walkers in action.

Day 5
They kids performed a very special act for their dad and me which included bike stunts and “tightrope” walking on the jungle gym. We played circus themed music for them to really make their show come to life. Their dad even did a few back handsprings, which was super impressive!
Afterwards, we enjoyed a fun circus themed teatime with homemade popcorn balls as I read their narrations aloud.
And that officially ended our week!

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